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Andrick Jean  Artist
 I am from Seychelles and currently in Botswana. Visual Art is my passion and I enjoy being in that environment. I studied Fine art for 3 years (2003 to 2005) at Seychelles College of Visual Art. My objective then, was to gain as much knowledge as I can and share it with others for their benefit. That journey led me to follow a 5 year Art course in China (Central Academy of Fine Art) where I attained a degree in Visual Arts.

I was an art Lecturer – Department of Visual Arts (Seychelles University, Seychelles)

I have won an international award for the best sculpture in China
I have done paintings for Seychelles brewery
I have held successful art exhibitions in China and Seychelles

My artwork is available in several art galleries in different countries including Botswana

I am also a talented musician and have released a ten tracked Album entitled ‘My reason’ Check out the websites below for my music:

I love Photography and Digital media.

I am fluent in French, English, Chinese and Creole is my mother tongue.
Total Stars: 100
Member Since: August 2012


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