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mila eryomina Emblems Of NHL Clubs
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Anaheim Ducks

Since the early 1990s, the team has been owned by the Walt Disney Company and was called the Anaheim Mighty Ducks. The emblem of the team was a goalkeeper's mask, made as if for the famous Disney character Donald the Duck, with two clubs behind it.

In 2007, the team was sold by Disney, and the new owners did not want to use Disney symbols. Now the club is called the Anaheim Ducks, and its emblem is the letter "D" in the form of a duck footprint.

"Los Angeles Kings"

Since the late 1960s, the emblem of the Los Angeles Kings has been a shield with an image of the royal crown. On the 1983 sample logo, the letters are similar to the logo of another famous Los Angeles team - the basketball club "Lakers"

In 1989, team owner Bruce McNall redesigned the badge. A silver figured shield appeared.

In 1998-2002/2003, the emblem of the club was a heraldic shield depicting the sun, a lion with a club, and a crown.

Since 2003, a new logo has been used - just a crown.

Atlanta Thrashers

The emblem was created in 1998. It depicts a harmless thresher bird (similar to a woodpecker), however, the thresher looks quite aggressive.

Alternative emblem - the same thresher - top view. True, he does not look like a bird the size of a dove, but like a real ghost ...

"Buffalo Sabres"

The emblem of the club was a buffalo (buffalo) and two blades. Gradually, the blades disappeared from the emblem ... And the bison began to resemble the letter "B"

"Boston Bruins"

Against the background of other emblems, the Bruins have, perhaps, the most modest and concise sign. But there are also advantages. This emblem has not changed for many years.

"Washington Capitals"

The team's emblem features an American eagle. The alternate emblem since 1997 is the Washington Capitol and crossed clubs.

"Dallas Stars"

The emblem of the club is a star. What is clear: the star and state emblem of the state of Texas, and an illustration for the team name. In addition, before moving to Dallas, the club was called the Minnesota North Stars (northern stars of Minnesota), so the star and yellow-green colors are reminiscent of the club's historical past.

"Detroit Red Wings"

It is no coincidence that the emblem of the club from Detroit, one of the centers of the US automotive industry, depicts a winged wheel. An additional reason for choosing such an emblem was that the owner of the club, James Norris, played for the Montreal Wingwheels team in his youth. The logo was created in 1932.

"Carolina Hurricanes"

The emblem of the club is a stylized hurricane (top view).

True, evil tongues have already nicknamed the emblem "a funnel in the toilet drain" ...

"Columbus Blue Jackets"

The club is named after the blue National Guard jackets that were made in Columbus. The emblem is made up of stylized letters "СBJ"

"Colorado Avalanche"

The emblem of the club is the letter "A" (a stylized mountain peak of the Rocky Mountains), from which an avalanche descends.

"Nashville Predators"

The emblem of the team is a saber-toothed tiger. The tiger recalls that in 1971, the fossil remains of a saber-toothed tiger were found in Nashville; and also hints at the aggressive nature of the players.

"New Jersey Devils"

The emblem of the "devils" is the letter N, stylized as an imp. The emblem illustrates a terrible legend of the colonial period about a terrible monster with membranous wings that exterminates the local population. The logo was designed by the wife of team owner John McMullen.

"New York Islanders"

The emblem of the club depicts the silhouette of New York's Long Island, the letters "NY", a hockey stick and a puck. The author of the emblem is the artist John Alonia.

"Pittsburgh Penguins"

The emblem of the club is a penguin. Previously, hockey jerseys depicted a penguin with a stick in his "hands" against the background of a yellow triangle. Then the composition of the emblem became more stylized. Finally, the "good old" fat penguin is back again.

"San Jose Sharks"

The emblem of the club is a shark biting a stick. Probably, with the same frenzy and ruthlessness, players should "bite" rivals.

"St. Louis Blues"

The emblem of the "blues" - the note - is quite stable. In 1992, its modern drawing was approved, but it does not differ much from the previous sample. The note symbolizes St. Louis as the "capital of the blues".

"Tampa Bay Lightning"

The Lightning is a good name for a hockey team. But the emblem, in our opinion, let us down. The zigzag stroke is very reminiscent of the signs "Do not fit in - it will kill you!" in transformer boxes...

"Philadelphia Flyers"

In our opinion, the emblem of the Flyers is one of the most successful in the NHL: the winged letter "P" with a red dot inside. The whole composition is strikingly reminiscent of the familiar sign of the nationality of aircraft (Great Britain, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, etc. had similar signs).

"Phoenix Coyotes"

For some time, the emblem of the club was a stylized coyote, made in the style of Indian national art (among the authors of this emblem was Alice Cooper). At the insistence of Wayne Gretzky, a new logo was approved - the head of a coyote howling at the moon.

"Florida Panthers"

The emblem of the club was created in 1993. This is the Florida Panther, an extremely rare protected subspecies of the North American cougars.

"Chicago Black Hawks"

The emblem of the club is the head of the Indian leader Black Sparrow Hawk with war paint. The emblem was designed by Irene Castle, wife of team owner Frederick McLaughlin.

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