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Garden Dream

By Art By Johnny

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Garden Dream

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Artwork Description
Beautiful Garden. Butchart Garden. Check out my entire collection at or


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Original - $135.00
on Canvas framed Mixed Media
Created on May 2014
Dimensions: 17x14x2 in
Weight: 3 lb

Note: Originals cannot be purchased online. Click [Make an Offer / Inquire] to make arrangements with Art by Johnny.
Most Common Colors.

~~I enjoy photography, drawing and painting and my current works allow me to do all three.
My introduction to photography was in black & white, with my first artwork published in the 1970’s. After many years of enjoying black & white photography, I began experimenting in the darkroom with techniques to alter my photographs. The unique interpretations of my photography evolved through my experimentation with Polaroid film in the 1980’s. This led to my artwork appearing in California galleries alongside the works of such famous artists as Douglas Kirkland, at the renowned Art-A-Fair in Laguna Beach, and most recently at the juried Napa Wine Train show. Ultimately, some of my art was sold to Hallmark Cards.
Recently, I became interested in expanding my medium, and turned to mixed media. My latest works combine different techniques to obtain an impressionist look.
This new medium allows the artwork to be transferred onto larger formats. Printed on canvas, the pieces now have an added texture. The art comes framed in black or white wood, adding another dimension. Hope you enjoy this unique vision of art.
Visit or to view my entire gallery of works. Enjoy!

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Original Artwork Offer / Inquiry Form

Garden Dream Garden Dream
By  Art By Johnny
Medium/Type:  on Canvas framed   Mixed_Media
Dimensions: 17x14x2 in
Weight: 3 lb
Create Date: May 2014
Price: $135 USD

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