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O.C. Face

By Aviance Young

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O.C. Face




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Original - $30.00
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pen on paper Drawing
Dimensions: 8x11 in

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Aviance M. Young, is a native of Atlanta, GA. With a love for art since the age of two, she attended then the Atlanta College of Art (now Savannah College of Art) at the age of five. She took classes at Maryland School of Art and Design(now the School of Art and Design) in Montgomery County, Silver Spring Maryland at the age of 11. She was urged by her middle school art teacher, to apply to Albert Einstein’s high school Honors Art Magnet program For additional fine art studies, she return to the Atlanta College of Art, (now Savannah College of Art) and Howard University’s Art Program. She received her Associates degree in Fine Arts from the School of Art and Design.
Her work has been featured in Art Showings and Professional Galleries: Amber Tree - National Harbor, MD; Art Enables - Washington, DC;
Fort Washington, MD; Gallery Sarengeti - Capital heights, MD;
Stimson Center - Washington, DC; and Carolina Missionary Baptist Church.
In an effort to reach young readers, she illustrated a children’s book entitled, “Pinksta & the Polka Dotted Pinstripped Wearing Princess”. Additionally, Aviance has received awards from NAACP, ACT-SO compietion , and is a Honorable mention Maryland Distinguish Scholar.
Her work includes but not limited to: Murals, Personal Greeting Cards, Personal Portraits, and Paintings on Canvas and Wood, and T-Shirts. The elements of her work include: music, spirituality, love and family. Her artistic creations bring acrylic and oil to canvas and wood. The elements of her work stem from music, spirituality, love, and family.

Original Artwork Offer / Inquiry Form

O.C. Face O.C. Face
By  Aviance Young
Medium/Type:  pen on paper   Drawing
Dimensions: 8x11 in
Weight: Not Specified
Create Date: Not Specified
Price: $30 USD Negotiable

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