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Henry Firmanto2  Gallery
 in jouerney build "about Media Art" , easy or not easy for "people" like "outlet". I hope 'cozy people can make "Moment Art"  People can meet each other in life fills the hearts of each one value "posision beginning with Henry Firmanto frame for the Future is a full face means the way to the lifestyle of an embodiment of bargaining unites painting and the painter is in the highlight in the" Gallery alitart "as a tribute to the lovers of painting, painting as Nature's creation glorifies the Almighty for all 'future is through the means of media art in particular" painting "my artist name sejatidiri Firmanto Henry was born August 2, 1973 to be exact Padangan village Bojonegoro born of peasant background grandpa Muhammad succeeds with a woman named Siti Roliyah Jalaan Padangan who later gave birth to my mother "Siti Munawaroh" and married with a young man named Bambang Widarto who inherited blood "Soul Art" a figure like working basic sense the Jawa with poem Alitart by Henry firmanto Agustus2013,11
Total Stars: Not Rated
Member Since: August 2013


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