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Paolo Giordani  Artist
Paolo Giordani, well known as the “painter of the clouds” in the art poetics, was born in Venice in 1945. The image of the cloud becomes a plastic-visual event, an emblematic suggestion of the infinity, concerning a large visual repertoire. The “cloud “ in Paolo's phenomenology modifies its aspects: from a fairy-tale like image, a metaphor of a dream, to a pop abstraction one in a composition in which reticules are separated themselves as a testimonial of true and false, of real and unreal. The cushion-cloud assumes an evocative power in the double function of being both natural and artificial.
“The iconography of Italian Pop-Art has often recovered metaphysics and surrealism in the description of an Italian landscape. Certainly also Paolo Giordani 's clouds ,now that they've lost the allusion to a myth of fecundity and the symbol of a playful and paradoxical imagination, draw from those models, add a more explicit intention to that landscape, in the sense that they describe the aspect of a more disquieting danger, namely the symbols of nature which is counterfeit in its essence, contaminated and altered by that folly which is driving the world toward ecological catastrophe, towards total death” ( Toni Toniato)

Short biography

He begins very young. His first exhibition is in 1959 at the “Collettiva” (Collective exhibition) of the “Bevilacqua La Masa”, and he wins the first prize of the “Raccolta La Colomba di Arturo Dreana”.
For a few years, he attends the studio of the painter Mario Deluigi. He gives his first personal exhibition at the gallery “Il Traghetto” in 1962. Since then he prepares various personal exhibitions , among which :”Bevilacqua La Masa”, “ Palazzo Ducale”, “Sale Apollinnee del Teatro La Fenice”, “Sala Napoleonica Arcana” in 1977, “Circolo Artistico di Cortina”, and the 45th International Exhibition of the Biennial d’art at Venice in 1985 at Villa Siemens-Sima.
He has participated in various Collective Exhibitions in Italy and abroad: “Italian Artists” at Liuz, exhibition organized by the Biennale of Venice, “Premio S.Fedele”, Premio (prize) “Citta di Sondrio”, Premio (prize) “Arezzo”, Premio (prize) “Burano”.
He wins some prizes: the first prize for painting at the “Bevilacqua La Masa”, first prize of the Rotary Club for Incision “Bevilacqua La Masa”.
He prepares Manifestos and posters for various societies, such as the “Teatro La Fenice” (La Fenice Theatre), the “Cassa di Risparmio di Venezia” (Saving Bank of Venice), the “Azienda Autonoma di Venezia” (Autonomous Company of Venice) and the “Azienda Autonoma di Caorle” (Autonomous Company of Caorle), and for the Feltrinelli Editor.
Moreover, in 1977 he realizes a whole drawing of serigraphs for the “Assicurazioni Generali” (General Insurance) of Rome.
He dedicates himself, together with famous architects, to works of vast dimensions, as, for example, the doors in hammered iron and acidized copper of the new seat of the Saving Bank of Venice in Campo San Luca; the barriers in hammered iron of the “ Nuovo Istituto Pacinotti” of Venice-Mestre, and the accurate 50-square-metre mosaic of the new hospital “Ospedale al Mare” at Lido of Venice.
Together with the other artists he is realizing a complex 40-square-metre painting-photo montage for the Venice Film Festival, using reportage material from the French May of 1968, supplied personally to him by Roberto Rossellini together with Luigi Chiarini, at the time director on the book of the Film Festival.
Various works of his can be found in different Collections in Italy and abroad. Bollaffi mentioned him in 1982.

The main exhibitions:

1960. The Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
1961. The Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
1962. The Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
Giordani, Il Traghetto Gallery, Venice
Giordani Pagnacco Scarpa, Il Traghetto Gallery, Venice
1963. The Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
Words and images, Bevilacqua la Masa Gallery, Venice
1964. Engels Gioli Giordani, International Gallery, Venice
1965. Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa Gallery, Venice
1966. Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
1967. Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
1968. Work and research, Ducal Palace, Venice
1969. San Fedele Prize, San Fedele Gallery, Venice
1970. Contenotte Giordani Greco, at “Sale Apollinee Teatro La Fenice” (Fenice Theatre), Venice
Zeitgenossische venezianische Malarei, Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, Wolfgang Gurlitt
Museum, Linz
1973. Paolo Giordani, Il Traghetto Gallery, Venice
1977. Arcana '77, The Correr Museum
1978. Giordani, The Artistic Circle, Cortina d'Ampezzo
1979. Collective Exhibition, Bevilacqua La Masa Gallery, Venice
The National Prize of Painting E. Tito, Dolo
1980. Paolo Giordani, Bevilacqua La Masa Gallery, Venice
1981. Ad libitum, cured by T.Toniato, Bevilacqua La Masa Gallery, Venice
1982. Paolo Giordani, Bevilacqua la Masa Gallery, Venice
1984. Chronicle 1947-1967, cured by T. Toniato, Bevilacqua La Masa Gallery, Venice
1985. The renewed tradition. The aspects of the new Venetian painting, cured by E. Di Martino, E.
Crispolti, Sima, Ca' Vendramin Calergi, Venice
1986. The Exhibition of the Venetian painters in Holland, cured by S. Lodi and G. Nonveiller,
1988. RI Generations, Between New forms of Culture and The New Culture of the forms, cured by
F. Montemagno, Spazio Olof Palme, Venice, Mestre
1989. Paolo Giordani, Meeting Gallery, Venice, Mestre
1993. Insulae & Insulae, cured by M.Donà and G. Nonveiller, Ca' Giustinian, XLV International
Exhibition of Art, Venice
2008. Paolo Giordani, Scrimin Gallery, Bassano del Grappa, Italy
“Arte al bivio”, Venice in the 60s, cured by N. Stinga, Ca' Foscari, Ca' Giustinian dei
Vescovi, Venice
2010. The little theatre of the Memory, Bugno Art Gallery, Venice
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