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Manjiri Kanvinde  Artist
Creativity takes courage! I am following my passion for painting. Art is what inspires me and makes me feel alive.To me art is an expression of my soul. We live in a tension of spiritual and physical world. Art is a medium that allows me to express thought imagery,rather than thoughts expressed vocally. I like to paint vibrant and colorful paintings. The images I paint are a celebration of the hopeful and cheerful aspects of life.
Acrylic paint being my chosen medium, I like to experiment with different techniques. My romantic paintings have been my best sellers.
Though a self taught artist in contemporary art, I have done a course in folk art painting from Singapore and am constantly striving to refine and upgrade my techniques. I paint on canvas, yupo paper as well as wood. Painting on yupo paper has been very satisfying and challenging at the same time. Yupo is a state of art imported paper and due to its smooth finishing is a challenge to paint on.
I like to paint various subjects, be it landscapes, abstracts, romantic paintings or still life. My inspiration can come from day to day objects like a wet umbrella on a rainy day, or a colorful garment.
I am thankful to have collectors from many countries including USA, UK, Singapore and India for my art. Recently American musician Frank Bango has selected my painting ‘A Rainy day II’ as front cover for his latest music album released in New York. My paintings have also been selected in Juried art exhibitions in New Jersey, USA. My work has received high testimonials from art collectors most of who have been repeat buyers.
Total Stars: 5
Member Since: December 2013


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