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Mike S Hand Picture April 2014 Red Yellow Blue

By Mike Bilodeau

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Mike S Hand Picture April 2014 Red Yellow Blue



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"Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent." - Dalai Lama
I've always loved to draw since I was a young child and the want to put the vivid images in my head on paper. I'm constantly trying to improve my works to make them closer to what I imagine them to be. Someday I will be able to make this a reality, in the mean time I still have a lot of learning to do but I look forward to it each time I pick up my pen/pencil.
My hobbies always influence my art, so many of my pieces revolve around comics, movies, cartoons. I'm now doing a lot more realistic paintings which has taught me many new techniques. I'm looking to move outside my comfort zone to work on backgrounds and other mediums in an effort to better my skills.

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Mike S Hand Picture April 2014 Red Yellow Blue Mike S Hand Picture April 2014 Red Yellow Blue
By  Mike Bilodeau
Medium/Type:     Mixed_Media
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