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By Russell Frantom

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Russell Frantom IVis an Indiana based self taught expressionist painter located just east of Chicago in South Bend IN. He completes all of his pieces within one sitting to record his current states of mind.Russell frequently paints self portraits; Often reflecting his depression and sadness. His paintings are very raw, colorful, and sometimes minimal. Frantom considers himself an expressionist, as he focuses primarily on emotion.His focal pieces often appear impressionistic, however his style can be very experimental; Sometimes being raw abstract and very minimal. Russell often dwells in darker places, and paints as a form of therapy in dealing with mental illnesses. He has been making art his entire life, and considers art to be his second thought process (Art is it's own thinking, subconscious thinking)Russell loves wildlife and nature, and has an obsession with reptiles and frequently studies and researches them. He spends a lot of his free time outside taking photos and writing poetry.He paints almost every day, and the majority of his works are decently large pieces. He frequently uses watercolor and mixed media. In his home city of South Bend, he has created, hosted, and funded numerous large art events (Such as Bizarre Coterie, Dark Art Party), bringing together dozens of regional artists, musicians, and performers. The events have been well publicized and have drawn large crowds. Donating 100% of ticket sales to non-profit organizations.Russell is very fond of showing his art publicly, and exhibits his works often regionally. He is rarely interested in selling original pieces, and often prefers hoarding them or giving them away as gifts. He has also donated pieces to charity auctions. (<<< web site)

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Russell_frantom_owl_iphone_55s_deflector Russell_frantom_owl_iphone_55s_deflector
By  Russell Frantom
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