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Triangular Structure Of Colour (Lemba Cyprus, Plein Air Painting)

By Jonathan Peter Smith

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Triangular Structure Of Colour (Lemba Cyprus, Plein Air Painting)


Artwork Description
I spent 9 months in tranquil and beautiful lush village in Lemba, Cyprus doing my post graduate course in 2005 to 2006. These small paintings were made outside in the landscape and each took a few hours to complete.


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Triangular Structure Of Colour (Lemba Cyprus, Plein Air Painting) As Greeting Card
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Original - $100.00
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oil on board Painting
Created on April 2006
Dimensions: 12x8x2 in
Weight: 1 lb

Note: Originals cannot be purchased online. Click [Make an Offer / Inquire] to make arrangements with jonathan smith.
Most Common Colors.

I create atmospheric semi-abstract paintings evoking different experiences in different places. I am an award winning artist and have sold my work across Europe.

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Triangular Structure Of Colour (Lemba Cyprus, Plein Air Painting) Triangular Structure Of Colour (Lemba Cyprus, Plein Air Painting)
By  Jonathan Peter Smith
Medium/Type:  oil on board   Painting
Dimensions: 12x8x2 in
Weight: 1 lb
Create Date: April 2006
Price: $100 USD Negotiable

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