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Battling Blades Chinese Swords For Beginners: Your Guide To Choosing And Caring For Your First Sword.
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The Chinese sword is a weapon of great beauty and power. It has been used in warfare, martial arts, and ceremony for centuries. If you are a beginner interested in learning more about Chinese swords, this article is for you.
We will discuss the different types of Chinese swords, how to choose the right sword for your needs, and how to care for your sword properly.

Different Types of Chinese Swords

There are many different types of Chinese swords, each with its own unique design and purpose. Some of the most common types of Chinese swords include:
  • Jian: The jian is a straight double-edged sword that is considered to be the classic Chinese sword. It is often used in Tai Chi Chuan and other martial arts.
  • Dao: The dao is a curved saber that is known for its speed and agility. It is often used in martial arts such as Wushu and Sanda.
  • Tai Chi sword: The Tai Chi sword is a lightweight sword that is used in the Tai Chi Chuan martial arts. It is known for its graceful movements and flowing forms.
  • Butterfly sword: The butterfly sword is a pair of short swords that are connected by a chain. They are often used in martial arts such as Wing Chun and Hung Gar.

Choosing the Right Chinese Sword

When choosing a Chinese sword, there are a few things you need to consider:
  • Blade material: The blade of a Chinese sword is typically made of high-carbon steel. This type of steel is strong and durable, and it can hold a sharp edge for a long time. However, it is also important to note that high-carbon steel is susceptible to rust, so it is important to care for your sword properly.
  • Blade length: The blade length of a Chinese sword will affect the sword's weight and balance. If you are a beginner, it is recommended to choose a sword with a shorter blade length, as these swords are easier to handle.
  • Tsuba (guard): The tsuba is the guard that protects your hand from the blade of the sword. Tsubas are typically made of metal or wood, and they are often decorated with intricate designs.
  • Handle: The handle of a Chinese sword is typically made of wood or bamboo. It is important to choose a handle that is comfortable for you to grip, even when your hands are sweaty.
  • Price: Chinese swords can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. The price of a sword will depend on the quality of the materials used, the craftsmanship of the sword, and the rarity of the sword.

Caring for Your Chinese Sword

Once you have chosen a Chinese sword, it is important to care for it properly. Here are a few tips for caring for your Chinese sword:
  • Keep the blade clean and dry: After each use, wipe down the blade of your sword with a clean cloth to remove any dirt or moisture. If the blade becomes wet, dry it immediately to prevent rust from forming.
  • Oil the blade regularly: To protect the blade from rust, oil it regularly with a light coat of oil. You can use a variety of different oils, such as mineral oil, camellia oil, or clove oil.
  • Store the sword in a dry place: When you are not using your sword, store it in a dry place where it is protected from dust and moisture. A sword bag or saya (scabbard) is a good way to store your sword.

Using Your Chinese Sword Safely

Chinese swords are powerful weapons, and it is important to use them safely. Here are a few tips for using your Chinese sword safely:
  • Always keep the sword pointed away from yourself and others: Never point the sword at yourself or anyone else, even if you are not using it.
  • Be careful when drawing and sheathing the sword: When drawing and sheathing the sword, be careful not to cut yourself on the blade.
  • Never swing the sword recklessly: Always be aware of your surroundings when swinging the sword. Make sure that there is no one or nothing in your way that could be injured.


Choosing and caring for your first Chinese sword can be an exciting experience. By following the tips in this article, you can choose the right sword for your needs and learn how to care for it properly. With proper care, your Chinese sword will last for many years to come.

Also, read: Most popular Chinese sword.

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