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Bil Cox My art work pursuit
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I have begun to work on a family portrait for my own mother. It is 3 foot high by 4 foot long. It will include myself, my wife, our 4 daughters and 3 grandchildren.  9 people total.  I'm excited to do this for my mom as I have been promising for years to do an art piece for her.

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View Profile   By albert   8 hours ago
This is my first visit to your web journal! We are a group of volunteers and new activities in the same specialty. Website gave us helpful data to work. omerta
View Profile   By hasnain   1 day ago
What would be your next topic next week on your blog.*;,-~
View Profile   By Michael Marks Cicirelli   12 years ago
Good for you... in my case I don't know if I could have stood to look at my late mother that long... but if you have a loving family I'm sure you can look at them forever. All happiness to your good fortune and work...

. fuzz