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Logan Smith1 The Use Of Isopropyl Alcohol In Industrial Cleaning
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For those who have never heard of Isopropyl Alcohol (IP), it is a commonly used disinfectant within industries, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and electronic device manufacturing.


These are cleaning and disinfecting chemicals that, depending on their concentration, can remove a wide range of bacteria and pollutants.


Isopropyl alcohol kills bacteria, fungi, and viruses quickly, especially in solutions containing 60-90 percent alcohol and 10-40 percent filtered water.


When alcohol concentrations fall below 50%, disinfection efficiency suffers dramatically. Notably, higher alcohol concentrations lack any appealing bactericidal, antiviral, or fungicidal effects.


Acquiring IP from an accredited company providing industrial cleaning products will help you achieve the level of disinfection that your organization deserves. Here are some reasons out of many to get your hands on IP.




Cleaning with industrial alcohol is an excellent way to clean and degrease industrial equipment after use, preventing buildup and breaking down sticky residue. Aside from being an excellent cleaning agent, there are numerous advantages to using industrial alcohol instead of harsh chemical cleaning and degreasing agents. Alcohol has a low VOC level, which means it is less toxic. 


It is also inexpensive and can be purchased in bulk quantities, which helps to reduce costs. Consider using industrial alcohol to clean your machinery, electronics, and other industrial equipment if you work in an industry that could benefit from a safe, easy-to-use industrial cleaner that is also cost-effective.


Alcohol is both safer and less expensive than other chemical cleaners and degreasers. It can also be purchased in bulk from industrial suppliers, which further reduces costs.


Fast Evaporation Rate 


Since alcohol evaporates quickly, it can be completely dry in a short period of time. Because alcohol does not cause moisture damage, it is the preferred cleaning agent for electronics.


Lower Toxicity 


Alcohol is a low VOC (low volatile organic compound), which means that when used correctly, it is not harmful to the environment or humans and is generally safe, requiring only relatively limited protective gear.


Isopropyl As A Cleaning Agent


Isopropyl Alcohol is a disinfectant, sterilizer, and antibacterial cleaning agent that kills bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is commonly used to kill germs on all household surfaces, disinfect medicinal objects, and prevent the spread of disease. Cleaning with  70% isopropyl alcohol is recommended.


Isopropyl Alcohol 70% is recommended for disinfecting or killing bacteria on the skin. The 70% strength Isopropyl Alcohol is perfectly diluted to kill bacteria without being too harsh on the skin.


What Is The Difference Between 99% And 70% Isopropyl Alcohol?


According to the CDC, 99% isopropyl alcohol is pure isopropanol, whereas 70% isopropyl alcohol is pure isopropanol diluted with 30% purified water by volume. 70% isopropyl alcohol kills bacteria by denaturing their proteins and dissolving their lipids. It is effective against most bacteria, fungi, and viruses, but not bacterial spores.


Solutions greater than 91% IPA kill bacteria, but require longer contact times for disinfection and allow spores to lie dormant without being killed.

Why Is 70% IPA Better?


The higher the concentration of alcohol used as a disinfectant, the less effective it is at killing pathogens. This is because the water content (30%) in this concentration is necessary to slow down the evaporation rate of the alcohol, allowing it to stay in contact with the surface for a longer period. 


This increases the solution's ability to kill germs. In other words, because 70% IPA has a longer contact time, it kills microbes more effectively. 70% of IPA solutions penetrate the cell wall more effectively as well.


Solutions > 90% IPA kills bacteria as well, but requires a longer contact time for disinfection. It also causes external damage to the microbe, forming a protective wall that protects the organism from further harm.


70% isopropyl alcohol meets critical requirements for use as a bactericidal in cleanrooms or medical facilities, as well as for general applications. 70% IPA/30% water solutions emit less vapour and odour, lowering the risk of toxic fumes or combustion.




Isopropyl alcohol in concentrations ranging from 70% to 99% is an effective solvent and cleaning agent for industries that manufacture water-sensitive products where rapid evaporation of the agent and low water content are desired and required.


IPA is an active ingredient in a variety of cleaners used to disinfect commercial floors and surfaces. IPA is combined with other chemicals in these cleaners to help the solution stay on surfaces longer and evaporate as quickly as possible.


Different concentrations of IPA are used to kill bacteria, spores, and viruses on various surfaces. IPA can be an excellent addition to your organization especially when bought in bulk from industrial products sellers.


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View Profile   By Regine Rodman   24 days ago
This post offers insights into isopropyl alcohol's effectiveness in industrial cleaning. However, cleanliness goes beyond chemicals for industrial facilities. Efficient commercial junk removal is crucial to maintaining safety, productivity, and a clutter-free environment. Integrating both ensures optimal operations and workplace safety.

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