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Boraaaa J Tiger's Eye Crystals
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In today's crystal post, i'm going to be talking about a stone that gives you this push and motivation to keep going no matter what obstacle is in front of you, it is honestly such a resourceful crystal, the one and only tiger's eye. i'm super excited to dive into today's crystal meeting article.

What is tiger's eye

 so some key words that are related to tiger's eye are discernment vitality fairness strength practicality and balance between extremes. tiger's eye has this beautiful banding of a yellow brown to golden color which exhibits chatoyance. chatoyance is the reflective optical effect that you see when looking at this stone, it's this cat eye, look to it, the largest deposit of tiger's eye is found in south africa, and it is also found in india burma, western australia, and the united states of america. And I got my tiger's eye crystals at thegreencrystal. The chakras that are associated with the stone are the root sacral and solar plexus, whenever i see tiger's eye, i feel this creative rush of motivation running through my lower chakras.
I also always think of the song eye of the tiger when i see tyra's eye, like can't help it but those lyrics just start going in my head, and i i think it's kind of funny in today's post not only will i be talking about classic tiger's eye, but i'm also going to be sharing with you the varieties of red tiger's eye, and multi-color slash blue tiger's eyes.

How Does tiger's eye crystals help

So i'll be talking about how i utilize these different varieties as well in this video tiger's eye is a solar stone of vitality practicality and physical action. it stimulates the root chakra and the solar plexus assisting one in taking effective actions in response to the needs and challenges of physical life, helping us to remain grounded calm and centered regardless of the outer and inner situations. I usually visit crystal store near me to find crystals. one of the biggest assets of tiger eye energy is maintaining balance between extremes, and this can really range depending on the person, and what they're currently going through if you're feeling like you have a lot on your plate, and your emotions are all over the place grabbing some tiger's eye can really help you balance out and stay strong during those really challenging periods.
I know for me when i'm feeling overwhelmed with the tasks that i know i need to get done gravitating towards, tiger's eye really gets me moving and forward thinking. it is easy to stay small and to feel sad, and depressed and anxious you know as long as you're willing to stay in that state of mind. that's as long as you'll stay there really pushing through and breaking that cycle is what's going to catapult you to overcome the thing. that's weighing you down taking action is really the only way to get yourself out of that funk, and that is why tiger's eye energy is so effective, because it really does help you get out of that really gloomy or unhappy extreme that you may be experiencing as a stone of the golden ray tiger's eye can aid one in making contact with a vibrational realm of christ consciousness meditation

with the stone can help one to move into a state in which one resides as a point of awareness within an atmosphere of warm gold dust, a place permeated with unconditional love and compassion after meditation, one will have the drive to bring this insight into the physical world. i love the idea of meditating with tiger's eye and actually visualizing this warm gold dust.
it actually really resonates with me right now, because this last week as i have been diving into tiger's eye, you know really getting you know incorporated with that energy, i kind of had an experience that really resonates with what i just talked about.

Use crystals to calm down

i really do blame the scorpio new moon for all this anxiety that had been building up inside me, and i was really on you know the extreme side of anxiety, you know i was trying to fall asleep at night. one night and it was really hard for me, i kind of was just calling upon my angels and my guides to really help me feel relief and really to aid me in any way, and i remember laying in bed and i kind of was like visualizing myself laying down, and i saw all of my angels around me, and it looked like they were doing like reiki on me they had their hands out, and i saw this glitter coming from their hands and going down on my body Shortly.

After i ended up falling asleep and i remember waking up in the morning, and kind of remembering that visualization and going through my day, and that day after i had that kind of experience it felt like i almost had a rebirth the things, that were bothering me were not bothering anymore, it was like a switch had been flipped and i was feeling so much better. i have never tried this visualization.

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. fuzz