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Event: ‘The Return’ Review And Summery Listed By Lookmovie 2023

The final chapter of the Odyssey is covered in The Return Lookmovie, which is based on a section of the well-known book. Twenty years after leaving to fight in the Trojan War, Ralph's character Odysseus washes up on the shores of Ithaca. His wife, Juliette, has been waiting for him to come back, but no one believes Ralph is still alive. Ralph's son is portrayed by Charlie. Numerous suitors want to wed Juliette, essentially to become the next King, but she consistently assures them that Ralph is still alive and will return home. Among the nervous suitors is Marwan.

Starts Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Ends  Thursday, March 12, 2026
All Day Event  

Arizona, AZ 85307
United States


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