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Event: Goodrich: A Review Of The Film Listed By Lookmovie 2023

Goodrich Look movie is outstanding. Writer-director Hallie Meyers-Shyer has crafted a movie that blends humor and emotion, leaving viewers with smiles as the credits roll. It captures the essence of everyday life beautifully. Michael Keaton shines in his role as Andy Goodrich, while Mila Kunis delivers a remarkable performance as Grace. The chemistry between Keaton and Kunis is delightful in every scene they share. Vivien Lyra Blair and Jacob Kopera also impress as Billie and Mose, respectively. The supporting cast adds to the film's excellence. Goodrich is essential viewing for anyone who enjoys dramedies, as well as fans of Michael Keaton and Mila Kunis.

Starts Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Ends  Thursday, February 19, 2026
All Day Event  

Arizona, AZ 85307
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