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Augusto De Luca  Artist
Augusto De Luca graduated in law, then became a professional photographer in the mid-1970s, working along the boundary line between traditional and experimental photography. With his style, he has been going through multiple photography genres, making use of many materials, always trying with his snapshots to enhance primary elements, minimal expression units that make up images in which shapes and signs combine in a way that is reminiscent of metaphysical atmospheres. His photographs have been exhibited by many galleries, especially in Italy.
De Luca is the creator of record covers, advertising campaign pictures, and photography books. He taught photography at the “Montecitorio Club” of the Italian Parliament.
In 1996, De Luca was awarded the "Città di Roma" prize together with Ennio Morricone for the book Roma Nostra.
Telecom Italia recruited him for designing a special edition telephone card featuring Naples, Paris, Dublin, Berlin and Bruxelles.
Total Stars: 10
Member Since: July 2013


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