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Bil Cox  Artist
My name is Bil Cox. I have been drawing since I could hold a crayon. I like all kinds of art forms but my specialty is Portrait drawings. I over achieved in the high school art classes to where they had to open a class just for me my senior year to do what ever I wanted. I'm not an abstract artist, I love reality, the natural beauty that surrounds us.

I worked for 13 yrs in the billboard industry, helping paint posters and large billboards. I think the hands on experience was better for me than an art school. Though a tragic accident involving high power lines shortened my career.

Now I drive a truck and I'm trying to get back to my love of drawing portraits and start my own business in this field. I use your photographs to reproduce your portraits. I can use multiple photos to create a family type portrait.

I'm 53 yrs. old and married with 4 wonderful daughters and 3 grandchildren.
Total Stars: 17
Member Since: August 2012


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  • My art work pursuit
         12 years ago
    I have begun to work on a family portrait for my own mother. It is 3 foot high by 4 foot long. It will include myself, my wife, our 4 daughters and 3 grandchildren.  9 people total.  I'm excited to do this for my mom as I have been promising for years to do an art piece for her.  . . .  

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My art work pursuitMy art work pursuit Views: 1152

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My art work pursuit 12 years ago


. fuzz