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Joaquin Sanchez  Artist

My name is Joaquin Sanchez and I'm an Artist here in Palm Springs, CA. . . . – I was born in Havana, Cuba, came to the United States in DEC. 1961. I moved to the desert 8 years ago from Los Angeles via San Francisco. I made Palm Springs my home, my studio is located in my home. I began to paint in 1986, but had to stop painting after a few months because of work. Once I move to the desert in 2005 I decided to take an early retirement because of health issues. I was diagnosed bone Cancer on Sept. 2007; I decided to start painting again in 2007. My decision on beginning to paint again was for therapy while I was going through chemo. Painting was a way for me to release my feelings through a brush and inspiration. Ever since I began to paint again, my art has been in a constant state of change, with zero stress. I try to use all mediums and styles in my art. I love to explore all my artistic talents using my creativity that God has given me. Every artist has their own creativity and technique and that what makes us different from each other...I use my own expression and that what make me different...I paint what I feel in my heart. Every piece of my artworks reflects and illustrates my life feelings, surroundings, the things and ideas that capture my imagination and my eyes. I love to express the beauty of life and everything around me. I was given a second chance in life after my Cancer diagnose. The chemo was brutal, but the inspiration of my family, my faith and my painting it’s what kept me going... Some of my pieces are included in the collections in some Palm Springs, Los Angeles and San Francisco, New York, Denver residents. If you are interested to see any of my art pieces, Please let feel free to contact regular email is: or see my painting on my extra page on Face book.
I have had various Art shows at various locations like the Gay Lesbian Center and of my Erotic painting was display from March 27-April 1, 2010 and again 2013 at Tool Shed, Art show On March 18, 2012 at DIGS at their monthly ART ZONE, one of my erotic print was shown at the Leslie-Lehman Annex, 127-B Prince Street, New York, NY 10012. I have donated to various organizations some of my art work for their event so they could be auction, like our church Bloom in the desert, PS Rotary club, The Village in Los Angeles, Sober in the Sun.
Total Stars: 77
Member Since: April 2012


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