Andrey Vishnevskiy
Vishnevskiy Andrey
Was born on October, 10th, 1971 in Moscow
Tel.: +7 499 121 7065 / +7 910 452 1583
Member of the International Federation of Artists by UNESCO since 1994, the certificate №5800, member of the International Arts Fund.
1997 - 2000 - post-graduate of the State Academy of Slavonic Culture, department of the Theory of culture
1993 – 1997 - faculty of Culturology of the State Academy of Slavonic Culture, major - "Religious Studies"
1991 - 1993 - faculty of Literature and Art of the New Humanitarian University, branch of Design
1989 - 1991 – faculty art-graphic of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute,
PhD in the theory of culture 2000 (the diploma 033666)
Graduated with distinction in 1997 (the diploma № 0061098), major – culturology
Participates in art exhibitions since 1991
Participant of more than 30 art exhibitions in Russia, Germany, Portugal, USA, UK, France, Japan, Finland and Cyprus.
Significant exhibitions:
2012 - participation in Slavianskiy Plein Air, in Falicon, Cote D’Azur, France.
2012 - participation in art exhibition PARALLAX Art Fair, London, UK
2010 - participation in art exhibition «Geyzery podsoznanija 6» in gallery «А3» in Moscow, Russia.
2010 - participation in art exhibition «Russian & Lithuanian ART WEEK» in Vilnus, Lithuania.
2004 - a personal exhibition «the Moment of alerting» in A.S.Pushkin's museum in Moscow.
Participated in the art exhibition of the Kiev representation of The American Camber of Commerce in Ukraine - "Autumn Charity Ball", Kiev.
2003 - participation in the exhibition « Exposicao colectiva de pintura Russia» in "Museu da Agua da Epal", Lisbon, in Festival of Arts, Sao Domingos da Rana, Portugal.
2002 - personal exhibition of Uberlingen, "Bukkenmire" gallery , Germany.
2001 - personal exhibition in the British council, Kiev, Ukraine.
2000 - participation in the "Pintores Russos em Lisboa" exhibition in "Beau Sejour" gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
1999 - participation in the «Art from Russia » exhibition. Konstanz, "Modern Russian art" Dresden, Germany.
1996 - participation in the exhibition of «Russian painting in Kyoto», " Hirotoku" gallery, Japan.
1994 - participation in the exhibition of the Moscow artists in Perpinian, France.
1993 - personal exhibition "Neomodernism" in Moscow, " Expo-88" gallery.
1992 - participation in the "Female portrait" exhibition in Munich, Germany.
1991 - participation in a series of exhibitions of young Moscow artists in Bulgaria, Italy and Russia.
The artist cooperates with several galleries in Russia, Germany, USA, England, France and Japan.
In his spare time the artist teaches painting, composition, aesthetic development, has his disciples and followers.