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Lifetime warranty on all hardware & parts
<svg fill="currentColor" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 512 513"><path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M156.342 491.886C187.926 505.244 221.455 512.018 256 512.018C290.544 512.018 324.073 505.244 355.657 491.887C386.146 478.989 413.521 460.536 437.019 437.039C460.52 413.538 478.972 386.164 491.866 355.677C505.226 324.09 512 290.56 512 256.02C512 221.478 505.226 187.948 491.866 156.361C478.972 125.875 460.519 98.5014 437.019 75.0007C413.519 51.5026 386.145 33.0486 355.657 20.1534C324.073 6.79325 290.544 0.0195312 255.999 0.0195312C221.457 0.0195312 187.928 6.79325 156.341 20.1526C125.853 33.0477 98.4784 51.5008 74.9803 74.9998C51.4822 98.4988 33.0282 125.872 20.133 156.36C6.77372 187.947 0 221.478 0 256.02C0 290.56 6.77372 324.09 20.1339 355.676C33.0291 386.164 51.4822 413.539 74.9812 437.038C98.4784 460.536 125.852 478.989 156.342 491.886ZM101.978 101.997C143.119 60.8567 197.818 38.199 256 38.199C314.182 38.199 368.88 60.8558 410.022 101.997C451.162 143.138 473.82 197.838 473.82 256.02C473.82 314.201 451.162 368.901 410.022 410.04C368.881 451.181 314.182 473.838 256 473.838C197.818 473.838 143.118 451.181 101.978 410.04C60.8372 368.901 38.1795 314.201 38.1795 256.02C38.1795 197.838 60.8372 143.138 101.978 101.997Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M199.104 349.357C202.709 352.963 207.504 354.948 212.603 354.948C217.703 354.948 222.497 352.963 226.101 349.357L385.809 189.651C389.415 186.045 391.401 181.251 391.401 176.152C391.401 171.053 389.415 166.259 385.809 162.654C382.202 159.048 377.408 157.062 372.31 157.062C367.211 157.062 362.417 159.047 358.811 162.654L212.604 308.862L153.163 249.422C149.557 245.816 144.764 243.83 139.665 243.83C134.566 243.83 129.771 245.816 126.166 249.422C118.723 256.865 118.723 268.976 126.166 276.419L199.104 349.357Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>
5" groundsheet height to protect against flooding
<svg fill="currentColor" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 512 513"><path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M156.342 491.886C187.926 505.244 221.455 512.018 256 512.018C290.544 512.018 324.073 505.244 355.657 491.887C386.146 478.989 413.521 460.536 437.019 437.039C460.52 413.538 478.972 386.164 491.866 355.677C505.226 324.09 512 290.56 512 256.02C512 221.478 505.226 187.948 491.866 156.361C478.972 125.875 460.519 98.5014 437.019 75.0007C413.519 51.5026 386.145 33.0486 355.657 20.1534C324.073 6.79325 290.544 0.0195312 255.999 0.0195312C221.457 0.0195312 187.928 6.79325 156.341 20.1526C125.853 33.0477 98.4784 51.5008 74.9803 74.9998C51.4822 98.4988 33.0282 125.872 20.133 156.36C6.77372 187.947 0 221.478 0 256.02C0 290.56 6.77372 324.09 20.1339 355.676C33.0291 386.164 51.4822 413.539 74.9812 437.038C98.4784 460.536 125.852 478.989 156.342 491.886ZM101.978 101.997C143.119 60.8567 197.818 38.199 256 38.199C314.182 38.199 368.88 60.8558 410.022 101.997C451.162 143.138 473.82 197.838 473.82 256.02C473.82 314.201 451.162 368.901 410.022 410.04C368.881 451.181 314.182 473.838 256 473.838C197.818 473.838 143.118 451.181 101.978 410.04C60.8372 368.901 38.1795 314.201 38.1795 256.02C38.1795 197.838 60.8372 143.138 101.978 101.997Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M199.104 349.357C202.709 352.963 207.504 354.948 212.603 354.948C217.703 354.948 222.497 352.963 226.101 349.357L385.809 189.651C389.415 186.045 391.401 181.251 391.401 176.152C391.401 171.053 389.415 166.259 385.809 162.654C382.202 159.048 377.408 157.062 372.31 157.062C367.211 157.062 362.417 159.047 358.811 162.654L212.604 308.862L153.163 249.422C149.557 245.816 144.764 243.83 139.665 243.83C134.566 243.83 129.771 245.816 126.166 249.422C118.723 256.865 118.723 268.976 126.166 276.419L199.104 349.357Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>
Stove jack included for easy in-tent stove setup
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