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Rusticozy com  Artist
Rusticozy - The creation of sustainable & Eco-friendly through each of our living decor. RUSTICOZY is a Vietnamese brand of eco-friendly, sustainable products for home and living decor, as well as gifts for all occasions. RUSTICOZY strives to achieve a combination of sustainability and usefulness in our goods while keeping a rustic style. THE IDEA HAS BECOME THE ULTIMATE MISSION! From the very first start, since it’s just an idea, our mission has been to foster Vietnamese handicrafts in contemporary life. RUSTICOZY is honoured to collaborate with enthusiastic and skilled artisans. Together, we wish to shine a light on Vietnamese beauty around the world. All our items, including living room, kitchen and dining decor, garden decor, art and accents, are handcrafted in Vietnam from sustainably sourced natural materials like ceramic. RUSTICOZY's selection is designed for you to enjoy decorating your home, finding new ways to experience beauty, and gathering with your loved ones. Bringing Vietnamese tradition further through sustainable & eco-friendly products To foster Vietnamese handicrafts in contemporary life, our home and living decor products are handcrafted in Vietnam using naturally sourced materials such as pottery, expressing Vietnamese tradition in a unique way. Bat Trang Ceramic Village - Not only a Tradition Once upon a time in Bat Trang, Vietnam's oldest and most well-known pottery village, their wares are also typically hand-painted, and painters pass down the sophisticated techniques necessary to do so from generation to generation. Bat Trang ceramics are designed for use in the home or as decorative items (bowls, cups, plates, pots, bottles, etc.). Pottery artists continually innovate in production techniques and inventive product features to create one-of-a-kind objects, so even mundane domestic items can be as gorgeous as decorative ones. Therefore, RUSTICOZY always selects items that meet the following standards: Data source is trustworthy, clean, environmentally friendly, and sustainable Non-toxic production process, safe for artisans. Applicable, everyday use. Simple beauty, aesthetics, and versatility. Personalization is available. Affordable price.
Địa chỉ Hamlet 6, Giang Cao Village, Bat Trang, Gia Lam, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Hastag Home_decor, Rustic_style, Vase_ceramic, bat_trang, vase, handmade_ceramic_vases
SĐT +1 (682) 255-1399
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