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Bushniki Farfel  Artist
Brasil-based artist with graduate and undergraduate degrees in the visual arts.

"Drawing never dies, it holds on by the skin of its teeth, because of the hunger it satisfies - the desire for an active, investigative, manually vivid relation with the things we see and yearn to know about - is apparently immortal." (Robert Hughes)
Total Stars: Not Rated
Member Since: October 2013


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  • Arm In Arm
         11 years ago
    from a sky of wrapping paper she does not smile our scrapped issues are a penny's worth and as it gets darker my heart is stained with salt water and brandy Can we ask for explanations? (I wave the powdery dryness of my lips under her nose.   She rises and crosses the garden.) Her mood is a variegated coastline of stones and rock. Can we admit our mistakes? (It becomes obvious that my words are an attack!) ...these fragments of reference disturb our account of misf  . . .  
  • Desperate Premeditation
         11 years ago
    She thought it was an admirable point, although, with mock-exasperation, she moved her attention toward sounds from the road beyond. Generally speaking, she was permitted entry. But budgetary deficits guarded her by night and day (a daily journey across the sky). My fragments of reference show her taking part in a larger view;  an assault to be launched against my life.  I am watching as more and more shreds are blown off the various parts of some strange flower. It has never   . . .  

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Arm In ArmArm In Arm Views: 750

Desperate PremeditationDesperate Premeditation Views: 708

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Desperate Premeditation 3 months ago

Arm In Arm 4 months ago


. fuzz