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NAGATA  Gallery
NAGA BUNDA Fine Art Gallery adalah galeri yang bernaung dibawah Yayasan Karya Seni Inovasi Teknologi Bali (YKS-ITB) yang memiliki komitmen untuk mengumpulkan benda-benda antik, sertw karya karya seni yang kreatif, inovatif dan memberi inspirasi bagi setiap insan manusia untuk mencintai dan mengembangkan seni dalam arti luas. Semoga seluruh item atau karya yang terdapat pada galeri ini bisa bermanfaat menambah khazanah seni dunia
Total Stars: Not Rated
Member Since: July 2014


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  • My Collection of Ida Bagus Anom (JikNom) 51 Artworks
    This is my collection of Ida Bagus Anom (Jik-Nom) artwork. He drawing and painting with very attractive colour, although his life is so lonely. He was born in 1971, and he have been single until now.. He has brain pain, but he always say that he enjoy his life for at all...
    My Collection of Ida Bagus Anom (JikNom)
  • My Old Painting Collection 10 Artworks
    This is my old painting collection. Some of the artist is famous but have died long years ago. I don't know if this painting is fake or not. I just know that this painting is so beautiful, and the old is not fake. Well I offer this painting for artlover all around the world to help the development of art and painting in the world
    My Old Painting Collection

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