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scot alpert  Artist

I am a artist and interior designer living and working in Palm Springs Ca. I have recently opened a new foundation Grace Now. Grace Now helps those on thier journey as they recover from disease, and regain thier health and lives. All profits from the sales of my art on this site will go to benefit the Grace Now Foundation. I am please to present my newest art for 2022 Rise UP, Welcome To Your Destiny, and Exit Stage Left. Please take a moment to view my abstract Series for 2021, " This site also reflects the Art I have created over the past eleven years. My series, "From Beyond The Veil", and "In A Moment Of Grace". as well as, Surealistic, abstract, landscape, skyscape, seascape. are among some of the styles represented here. I am open to create custiom commisions of any style or size, to complement your needs. Please contact me for details, by leaving me a message on this site. Thank you for spending time, and remember to " Follow Your Bliss"..

Total Stars: 9
Member Since: June 2012


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