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mark45xxx  Artist
I'm a life long art works include,water colors acrylics pen & ink oils and pastel .dreamscapes,animals and the beauty of the human figure are among my favorite themes.
Total Stars: 35
Member Since: November 2012


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  • fighting your inner critc
         12 years ago
    I dont know about you but I some times go through this phase where I hate all of my artwork. I found the best salutation for fighting the inner critc/artist block is to put down the pencil and the paint brush step away from the drawing table and clean up the studio (you know it needs it.) when you are done turn on some music that you love & that inspires you my personal favorit anything by portishead they always get my art juices flowing but it can be anything you like. look at a visual  . . .  
  • inspiration
         12 years ago
    I began to draw and paint at a very young age & it just stuck with me I love to creat.  I find inspiration all around me,mostly in music I try to convey and transfer the feelings I get from a song in to my artwork,wich is why it puzzies me when some one asks me what does this piece mean? in return I ask how does this piece make you feel? because in the end thats my goal as an artist to make the viewer feel something,love,heat,fear,lust,thay speak to all of us as human I   . . .  

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fighting your inner critcfighting your inner critc Views: 806

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inspiration 1 year ago

fighting your inner critc 1 year ago


. fuzz